1.Cookie Policy
Pensión Dos Hermanas uses its own and third-party cookies with the aim of achieving the best possible user experience, implementing essential functionalities for its proper functioning and obtaining statistics on anonymous visits to the web and similar, vital for decision-making in our bussines.
Cookies do not allow the collection of personal user information. This is an implicit technical limitation to cookie technology, not something peculiar to the implementation of this website.
They only allow the same browsing device (computer, mobile, etc.) to be recognized when it accesses the web again, but without being able to know the identity of its user.
Virtually all current popular browsers allow the configuration of cookie download policies and it is possible to disable it completely if the user so decides.
As indicated in the cookie notice, if you continue browsing this website, it will be considered that you are giving your consent to the use of the cookies listed here according to the terms established in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Company Services Information and Electronic Commerce.
2. Responsible Entity
The entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data is:
Trade name: Pension Dos Hermanas
Company name: María del Monte María Porrero
CIF: 05677219Z
Registered office: Calle Sagunto, 33
Social activity: Pension / Hostel
3. What are cookies?
Cookies are a set of data that a server deposits in the user’s browser that allows the device in question to be recognized (computer, mobile, etc.).
Virtually all websites use cookies as they allow pages to function more efficiently and achieve greater customization and analysis of user behavior.
Cookies do not allow the identification and collection of the user’s personal data, only to recognize a device that has previously accessed the website in question.
In order to recognize the identity of the user, it is necessary for the user to expressly register on the web and expressly provide their personal information, as occurs in online services of all kinds (banking, electronic commerce, suppliers, etc.).
If the user does not close the session, by being able to recognize the device with which the user initially registered with the cookie, the user can be indirectly recognized. However, strictly speaking, what is still recognized in this case is still the device, not the user.
This is clear if you think about the case of a different person than the one who made the registration and who uses that same device later to access the same website.
The web cannot technically know if the user is the same or a different one and the security problem really occurs at the level of the user himself (allowing another person access to a device with confidential information about him).
This scenario, in the physical world, would be very similar, for example, to leaving the keys to another person’s house. If this happens, it is not possible to claim responsibility from third parties such as, for example, the lessor.
4. Cookies used on this website
The specific cookies used by this website are listed below:
own cookies
Own cookies on this website with the following:
NameTypeExpirationPurposeClassPHPSESSIDOwnEnd of sessionDistinguish usersNot exemptwevarnishpassOwn1 hourCache system on server to speed up the webNot exempt
Third party cookies
This website also uses third-party cookies and contains links that lead to other websites that, in turn, are the source of their own cookies and those of third parties.
The third-party cookies used on this website are the following:
NameTypeExpirationPurposeClass_gaGoogle Analytics2 yearsDistinguish usersNot exempt_gidGoogle Analytics24 hoursDistinguish usersNot exempt_ga_Google Analytics2 yearsMaintain session stateNot exempt_gac_gb_Google Analytics90 daysAdvertising informationNot exemptIDEMe uTube1 yearsManagement of advertising within YouTube videosNot exempt
The different types of third-party cookies and their characteristics are listed below.
media players
The Pensión Dos Hermanas website occasionally uses its own and third-party audio and video content through popular players such as YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, iVoox and other similar ones.
These players may leave cookies on the site that embeds them for things like online advertising displayed by the player or to store and retrieve user preferences in the use of these players.
Online advertising cookies
This site does not publish online ads in its content, which usually uses cookies to optimize the ads shown to the user.
However, as a consequence of using embedded multimedia players such as the YouTube player, for example, the cookies of the online advertising platforms used by these sites will also be installed when visiting www.pensiondoshermanas.es. These cookies can be consulted in the cookie table on this page.
Social network cookies
Plugins for the creation of social network buttons and similar elements related to them may generate cookies from these third parties. On this website this type of